Any big project starts with simple nuances. Let’s take water, take a plastic bottle… No matter how long we burn a plastic water bottle with direct fire, it will not catch fire for a long time, and an empty bottle will melt. The first startup is simple) The next task is to make heat resistance stronger: salt and ingredients (carboxylic acid) will keep the heat. Startup!!!
For us, these are simple solutions and we share this startup with you free of charge :), although we use a small percentage of this information in our project. Our task is not only to make the world cleaner, our task is to build Smart Agro Easy Plantation, which will simplify the work and save investment in the project and knowledge is important.
Follow us and don’t forget to tell your friends about us. Sincerely, ROBO SAGEP!
Until the final result, we cannot share the technology of our project, but we can tell you leading examples.